Thursday, April 28, 2011

Layout change!

Since I had the thought of creating this thing, I pictured it being clean and simple, but artsy and uniquely mine.  I figured I'd "get to it later," so I had the boring plain green background.  No longer!

This is a placeholder until I can come up with a better design, though.  I want something intricate in the lower-left corner.  But this, I did this in 20 or so minutes.  And it's already better than plain-old green.

Side note:  I TURNED IN MY THESIS TODAY.  The end.  :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


For my Food and Painting class, our current assignment is to re-plate and paint one of our meals.  Mine: spam musubi :D
This afternoon, I had a lot of fun while being productive!  Here are the fruits of my labors thus far:

Yeah, I guess I made the shadows more interesting....

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Maybe I'll continue later on and fill in the later evolutions, but MAN I am tired of drawing pokemon now.

And now I can focus on homework.

Compiled into one image here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Epic Mini-Project! still not done.  But I told Liz I was going to put something up.  Still have about three pages left to go, but here's the beginning at least!

Me as every first-evolution of the original 150 pokemon:

1) I've been neglecting my tablet.  Maybe this fixes it <3
2) Some were too light to see without a darker background, but it looks funny.
3) Yes, it only takes a ponytail, bangs, and glasses to be me.