Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I would, but . . .

I think I could pull off the hipster look if I wanted to.  I just don't, because I'm my own person, and there's no way I'd willingly become part of the conformist mindless masses.  Psh.

Actually, I just imagine it's expensive to try so hard to be so stylin'.
["Yesterday's" was so fun that I thought I'd try something similar again.  Fun fun fun!]

"Yeah, I -USED- to like them, but . . ."

"*sigh* . . . but now too many people like them, so I can't anymore."

For whatever reason, I felt like drawing a hipster.
For whatever reason, I felt like drawing out of proportion.
For whatever reason, I felt like coloring it.
The end.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Neighbor Totoro

As a kid, I liked watching the movie "My Neighbor Totoro."  I always thought I was like Satsuki (the big sister) and my sister was Mei (the little sister).

For the recent thing on Facebook where people were changing their profile pictures to cartoons they enjoyed, my sister chose this picture.  I think there need to be a couple of modifications to make them look more like us, though:

Freckles and glasses, yeah.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I used to really like Polysics and have pretty much forgotten them for a while now.
Kayo, who used to play synth.

My tastes have changed, but I still enjoy them :)
I still kind of want to dress up in those shades and that jumpsuit, though . . . .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dynamic Duos

I got to talking with Tyler Friday night, and I mentioned that I hadn't seen him without Ben for a while.  It seems that they're always together.  And then I realized, that's what Fatima and I are like!

I drew these clockwise, and I think I just got more and more tired.
I also realized my eyes are crooked after I scanned it in, but I'm way tired and still haven't finished hw :(
Sorry if my renditions offend you....

Friday, December 3, 2010


While in this particular class, I generally need to sketch to stay awake.
So I drew my foot.
Admittedly, this is disproportionate; too long for how wide it is.  Note, however, the awesome lattice of laces.

Unrelatedly, the name "Bonsters" always reminds me of monsters.  While I look scary enough on my own, I felt like I'd rather blame the resemblance on something else.

I want a hoodie like this.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Quick sketch of a fairly recognizable person.  Because if the person's recognizable, I don't have to do a good job to get the point across.

I have become a recluse...

or a hermit, if you will.

Homework and shifting friend circles (but mostly homework and procrastination) have made it so that most of my time is spent in my room with the wonderful, honest intention of getting caught up on homework.  (It almost never works out like that.)  The end result is that I eat many of my meals in my room, which means I don't hang out.  (That and homework are how you generally hang out at Mudd.)

Maybe it'd be advantageous for me to do a more accurate portrait of myself, just in case people have forgotten how I look because of my hermitage:

In real life, there are a few differences; most notably, my posture is much worse, and my laptop is not invisible.