Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I have become a recluse...

or a hermit, if you will.

Homework and shifting friend circles (but mostly homework and procrastination) have made it so that most of my time is spent in my room with the wonderful, honest intention of getting caught up on homework.  (It almost never works out like that.)  The end result is that I eat many of my meals in my room, which means I don't hang out.  (That and homework are how you generally hang out at Mudd.)

Maybe it'd be advantageous for me to do a more accurate portrait of myself, just in case people have forgotten how I look because of my hermitage:

In real life, there are a few differences; most notably, my posture is much worse, and my laptop is not invisible.


  1. THAT is an impressive beard.

  2. Awwww, the eremitic life has always appealed to me. Sadly our faith prohibits it! Also, I hope i'm not being shifted from your circle of friends, even if you don't love us enough to come to Claremont Institute and dine with us. ;) And Brooke is right -- that beard is POWERFUL!

  3. Whenever I -DO- get to go to Claremont Institute, you're not there! :'(

    And thanks guys. It's not difficult though, just refrain from shaving for a few hours....
