Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

For once, a post without a drawing!  (The exception to the rule, I promise.)

I rarely ever bother making New Year's resolutions because I know I lack the motivation to keep them.  This time around, I've thought of a few things that I really want to accomplish.  I want to strengthen my testimony and grow closer to my Heavenly Father.  I want to learn to love myself so I can more fully love others.  I want to become someone who can better demonstrate my love and support for the people I care about.  Broken down into steps with measurable outcomes, here's how I hope to accomplish these:


  • I am going to read my scriptures every day.
  • I am going to write something in my journal every day, and include at least one thing I'm grateful for.


  • Every Sunday, I'm going to read at least one General Conference talk.  I'm going to try to focus on a different member of the Quorum of the Twelve every month, but that's not set in stone.
  • Once a week, I'm going to include in a journal entry something I like about myself, or something I did that I'm proud of.
  • I am going to draw something and share it every week.  (I think daily was a bit much to handle.)


  • I am going to do my visiting teaching.
  • I am going to learn how to cook something new.  Maximum of one dessert per quarter.

I'm also thinking some of these will be good for my marriageability resume, too ;D  Haha.
So here's to the new year, and all the goals each of us has for it.  Best of luck!  I'll keep you posted ;)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lookit how cool I am.

I have plenty of time to draw, and yet I spend all my time doing absolutely nothing online.  That's what happens when your mind is distracted and refuses to cooperate.
But things have been good :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Making up for lack of activity

by dumping a bunch at once.

First section: At church...
When guys slouch over, I imagine them having been decapitated, because that's sure what it looks like sometimes.

Or like when old dudes' head wrinkles look like Brock's face.

Second section: At this one friend's house...
These guys are awesome, but I'm way too noobish to keep up with their gaming.
So I draw about games instead.

Or they watch stuff that's kinda out there sometimes...
..which I'm not always too comfortable with, but it makes for coolish drawings, right?

Last section: In my head...
Movies are cool.  Videogames are cool.  Comics are cool.  At the intersection of all three?  Excellence!  Especially if you could live it, man.
I want Ramona's bag.

Friday, September 23, 2011

FB 01

"I want a doodle of Abe Lincoln snapping a shark over his knee"

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chu shall not pass!

Title idea wasn't mine.
Gandalfchu isn't mine.
Sketchbook is mine.
I don't know why he'd use a staff over his cheeks or whatever.  I don't think he does either.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Trio Trio Trio

More from the mini-sketchbook.  I plan on this continuing.
My siblings and I :D  Bahaha.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pokemon. Again.

I am lazy, so here it all is, unedited and thrown together:

I hope everyone can tell who he/she is....
Despite trying not to repeat pokémon, I still had to draw pikachu three times.  Haha.
[Side note: Apparently Google Chrome doesn't like letting me upload pictures, so now I know how to avoid that frustration.  Phew.]

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Yeah, bro.
I got tired of trying to upload the pokémon pictures.
Instead, here's something from my mini sketchbook.
I'll update more regularly, cos I have a ton of stuff from that thing that I never bothered sharing....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thom Yorke

For whatever reason, I just got the urge to draw Thom Yorke.

I tried to see if I could ride that urge a bit longer and draw other artists, but...  It was really just an urge to draw Thom Yorke.  And I haven't even given Radiohead a proper listen lately, either....

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Practice, practice, practice

I've been doing a lot of practice-sketching to get back into more of an art groove.
In addition to doing a series of facebook-friend sketches and the first self installment, there were these:

Self, round 2.

From some of my favorite tv shows!

Shows represented: How I Met Your Mother, Freaks & Geeks, Top Gear, Doctor Who, Supernatural.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Project "Cover the Bulletin Board": COMPLETE

Sorry I didn't show this on here earlier.... I kind of forgot after posting it to facebook.
Anyway, I did get the bulletin board covered, even though I didn't draw daily.  [And I guess I didn't post everything that went on the board...]

Here it is!

[The desk is messy because I was mid-packing during this photo...]

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tablet Practice 01

Soon, I will stop being lazy and upload pictures of the completely-covered bulletin board.
For now, I've been sketching a lot on my tablet, trying to get back into the groove.
Here is one such page of sketching, featuring Yours Truly!
I think I look my best in the last one, lower right :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Layout change!

Since I had the thought of creating this thing, I pictured it being clean and simple, but artsy and uniquely mine.  I figured I'd "get to it later," so I had the boring plain green background.  No longer!

This is a placeholder until I can come up with a better design, though.  I want something intricate in the lower-left corner.  But this, I did this in 20 or so minutes.  And it's already better than plain-old green.

Side note:  I TURNED IN MY THESIS TODAY.  The end.  :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


For my Food and Painting class, our current assignment is to re-plate and paint one of our meals.  Mine: spam musubi :D
This afternoon, I had a lot of fun while being productive!  Here are the fruits of my labors thus far:

Yeah, I guess I made the shadows more interesting....

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Maybe I'll continue later on and fill in the later evolutions, but MAN I am tired of drawing pokemon now.

And now I can focus on homework.

Compiled into one image here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Epic Mini-Project! still not done.  But I told Liz I was going to put something up.  Still have about three pages left to go, but here's the beginning at least!

Me as every first-evolution of the original 150 pokemon:

1) I've been neglecting my tablet.  Maybe this fixes it <3
2) Some were too light to see without a darker background, but it looks funny.
3) Yes, it only takes a ponytail, bangs, and glasses to be me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Style Meme

So the idea behind this is you draw one character in a variety of styles.
Left to right, top to bottom: normal, realistic, pop, moe/cute, old manga, [don't wanna say], shounen, shoujo, mii, Doraemon.

Also, sorry for not updating like, at all.
The stuff I've been doing lately has been either a gift for someone or stuff for my painting class....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

is pretty awesome.

I decided to render some friends' pictures and try to replicate them with construction paper.  [Note: I did trace these outlines from the screen, then transferred to construction paper, then cut them out and glued them.  So it's more like patience than incredible talent.]

First one I was happy with:
It helps when there are awesome photos to reference.

So then I decided to do a second, which was more complicated and thus didn't turn out quite as well:
And this one was meant to be a birthday gift, too T-T

Friday, February 18, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Xin nian kuai le!

Happy New Year!

It's the year of the rabbit.
In my defense, I did start this on actual New Year's day (Feb 3)....
Aaaand my scanner sucks.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


or Don't Doodle?

Yeah, I didn't really draw much at all during winter break.
I was artistically productive, though, sort of!  I sewed a CRAPTON (for me).
But those aren't drawings :(