Friday, February 3, 2012

Week Four-point-five: Pet Peeves

Pet peeves.
Pretty much everyone has one.  Heck, I have a bunch, but I'm not going to list them because that's not the point. Thing is, pet peeves are terrible to have.  So what if someone does this tiny little thing that bugs you?  Get over it!  And yet, it's SO HARD to do.  I find that I often justify my annoyance at someone by saying, "UGH, that's my pet peeve!"  My pet peeve, as though my ownership of it justifies its very existence.  If I can't bear to ignore it, I try to change that person's behavior instead of my own.  It's like I'm protecting and nurturing my pet peeve like Giovanni does his Persian.

I'm learning to get over my pet peeves, but don't push your luck; annoyance at mix-ups between your/you're, there/their/they're, and it's/its will probably be the last to go.
[This drawing was done last week, and even intended as last week's post.  I just was too busy having an awesome visit to Pomona that I forgot to upload it.]

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