Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend

All in one go!
Let's start with Friday: A 12-hour drive to Utah with three amazing people, psyching ourselves up for the spiritual and social feast in which we were about to partake.  Limited internet access meant I didn't have pictures to reference, so I'm not sure everyone's recognizable... but these were the people with whom I was going to hang on Saturday :)
Saturday: General Conference, morning session.  A spiritual booster shot.  (I didn't want to try to draw any of the general authorities for fear of mangling them....)  Pictures and posters and books (and CTR rings!) were fairly cheap, so we splurged a little bit.  After, Cafe Rio for the first time: delicious.  And the company wasn't too shabby either (see above).

Sunday: Watched Conference from a friend's brother's house.  His kids are SO unbelievably adorable.  I kind of wanted to keep one for myself....  The three-year-old wanted his dad to count (nine) coins with him, and this was the typical sequence as he laid one coin down on the couch at a time:  "One... two... four... five... four... three... eight... nine... EIGHTEEN!"  Actually, the first few times he ended with "twelve," but I think he wanted an even bigger (and thus better) number after a while.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful drawings, the Bonster! (And I can read the words that your characters say, yay!) I can kinda figure out who a few of them are... Tony's pretty obvious because of his soul patch...

