Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I would, but . . .

I think I could pull off the hipster look if I wanted to.  I just don't, because I'm my own person, and there's no way I'd willingly become part of the conformist mindless masses.  Psh.

Actually, I just imagine it's expensive to try so hard to be so stylin'.
["Yesterday's" was so fun that I thought I'd try something similar again.  Fun fun fun!]

"Yeah, I -USED- to like them, but . . ."

"*sigh* . . . but now too many people like them, so I can't anymore."

For whatever reason, I felt like drawing a hipster.
For whatever reason, I felt like drawing out of proportion.
For whatever reason, I felt like coloring it.
The end.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Neighbor Totoro

As a kid, I liked watching the movie "My Neighbor Totoro."  I always thought I was like Satsuki (the big sister) and my sister was Mei (the little sister).

For the recent thing on Facebook where people were changing their profile pictures to cartoons they enjoyed, my sister chose this picture.  I think there need to be a couple of modifications to make them look more like us, though:

Freckles and glasses, yeah.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I used to really like Polysics and have pretty much forgotten them for a while now.
Kayo, who used to play synth.

My tastes have changed, but I still enjoy them :)
I still kind of want to dress up in those shades and that jumpsuit, though . . . .

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dynamic Duos

I got to talking with Tyler Friday night, and I mentioned that I hadn't seen him without Ben for a while.  It seems that they're always together.  And then I realized, that's what Fatima and I are like!

I drew these clockwise, and I think I just got more and more tired.
I also realized my eyes are crooked after I scanned it in, but I'm way tired and still haven't finished hw :(
Sorry if my renditions offend you....

Friday, December 3, 2010


While in this particular class, I generally need to sketch to stay awake.
So I drew my foot.
Admittedly, this is disproportionate; too long for how wide it is.  Note, however, the awesome lattice of laces.

Unrelatedly, the name "Bonsters" always reminds me of monsters.  While I look scary enough on my own, I felt like I'd rather blame the resemblance on something else.

I want a hoodie like this.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Quick sketch of a fairly recognizable person.  Because if the person's recognizable, I don't have to do a good job to get the point across.

I have become a recluse...

or a hermit, if you will.

Homework and shifting friend circles (but mostly homework and procrastination) have made it so that most of my time is spent in my room with the wonderful, honest intention of getting caught up on homework.  (It almost never works out like that.)  The end result is that I eat many of my meals in my room, which means I don't hang out.  (That and homework are how you generally hang out at Mudd.)

Maybe it'd be advantageous for me to do a more accurate portrait of myself, just in case people have forgotten how I look because of my hermitage:

In real life, there are a few differences; most notably, my posture is much worse, and my laptop is not invisible.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Sort of.

The facebook profile pics of people following this blog.
Maybe this makes up for my lack of activity?  At least a little bit??
Oh, I certainly hope you can identify yourselves....
[Pangolin: Sorry, there's just no way I was going to be able to draw that fractal....  Maybe you should have a picture of yourself up instead!  *nudge nudge* ]

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yeah, sorry.
Truthfully, this week has sucked.  I'll post some more soon.  (I do have plenty more!)  I kinda just slacked on homework this weekend.  It was Halloween, after all.  (Both an excuse and a legitimate reason!)

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today, the application for JET Programme (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme) became available.  I only spell it that way because that's how it is on their website.  (Yes I did just check.)
*sigh* Even Pangolin scored higher than I did on the "How Asian are you?" test.
I think it would be incredibly amazing to get to teach in Japan!!

Today, I also biked to Goodwill in hopes of purchasing overalls:

Note my lack of blue and my lack of overalls.
Apparently, they'd had several pairs just last week.  Curse you, fellow Halloween-costume-shopping-procrastinators!  Oh well.  The hat and mustache should do the trick anyhow.

I've been wearing a little bit of makeup to church for the past couple of weeks.  I creep myself out widening my eyes at myself whenever I have to put on mascara...

Friday, October 22, 2010

This weekend, I am . . .


I bought a cute jacket for cheap, attempting to snazz up my wardrobe a bit.  I didn't know, but apparently it's stylish to have sleeves showing from out under the 3/4 sleeves, especially if they're cute/stripey.  I'm learning so much.

Also, I had fun accentuating Alice Cooper's facial shape last time, so I decided to do a sort of caricature of the only subject I know who won't complain about it:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Shout out!

He told me I should go to an Alice Cooper concert, and I'm not sure whether he was serious or whether he simply wanted me to draw Alice Cooper.  So just in case it was the latter:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Catching Up

The best laid plans of mice and men . . . sigh.
I got absolutely no homework done today, and that is the fault of:

The Big Bang Theory
 Seriously.  Watched most of season 2 with every intention of being productive today, but lost track of time and honestly wasn't trying all too hard to begin with.  I probably looked like this most of the time:
...except when I was laughing.
 Completely unrelated:
I want to make a Kim Pine costume.  I figure if I learn her drum parts from the movie, it'd be super legit.  Of course, the earlier portion of this post comments on how excellent I am at following through with things.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


In high school, I tried out fashion design for AP Studio.
I wanted to see if I could do something like that again.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010


(1) Daily is hard :(
(2) Bombed my midterm, pretty sure.

Thinking about the future...

...was actually quite fun!
The Career Fair made me really excited for life after college.
And it was pretty fun to actually feel like an adult.  (Without having to pay bills and whatnot.)
I wanna be a high school biology teacher!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Futureheads

My scanner still hates pencil....
Based on a picture I took, cos we were really THAT CLOSE to them!


My posts are too long.
My bangs share this characteristic.
This is why I have bangs.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lingering thoughts...

My thoughts are still centered on how amazing General Conference was....
Dinner arrangements Saturday evening:
I may not understand all the quotes and inside jokes that went on at the other table, but Tony and I had some good conversation too, I'll have you know.  :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All good things...

...must come to an end.
That's okay, I understand that point of view (though I don't necessarily agree with it; you have eternal life, etc. out there).  My question is: WHY MUST THEY END SO QUICKLY?
I'm still in super-happy mode from Conference and getting to see everyone.  BUT I'm also going through minor withdrawal after being separated from these people I've come to rely on.  (Yes, it's only been one day, but I do whine a lot.)

[A friend decided to write in captions.]

Monday, October 4, 2010

Conference Weekend

All in one go!
Let's start with Friday: A 12-hour drive to Utah with three amazing people, psyching ourselves up for the spiritual and social feast in which we were about to partake.  Limited internet access meant I didn't have pictures to reference, so I'm not sure everyone's recognizable... but these were the people with whom I was going to hang on Saturday :)
Saturday: General Conference, morning session.  A spiritual booster shot.  (I didn't want to try to draw any of the general authorities for fear of mangling them....)  Pictures and posters and books (and CTR rings!) were fairly cheap, so we splurged a little bit.  After, Cafe Rio for the first time: delicious.  And the company wasn't too shabby either (see above).

Sunday: Watched Conference from a friend's brother's house.  His kids are SO unbelievably adorable.  I kind of wanted to keep one for myself....  The three-year-old wanted his dad to count (nine) coins with him, and this was the typical sequence as he laid one coin down on the couch at a time:  "One... two... four... five... four... three... eight... nine... EIGHTEEN!"  Actually, the first few times he ended with "twelve," but I think he wanted an even bigger (and thus better) number after a while.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Words hurt.

True story.

Oh mans!

Basically, I'm screwed.

I wish I could draw indie-style.
Also, this is a more accurate representation of how I look.


[For yesterday.  By the time I thought about doing this, it was already 5 am so I didn't think it'd count anyway.]

My hair is now longer than it has been in maybe a decade.  Normally it's up in a ponytail or messy bun, but lately I've been trying to wear it down more often.  Thing is, I'm not used to (1) my hair being so long or (2) it being let down.  If I'm wearing short sleeves and my hair brushes against my arm, it feels like an insect is crawling on me.  My first reaction is an overdramatic attempt to fling whatever it is as far away from myself as possible.  A few moments later, I realize I've just made a fool of myself; this is especially true if I've smacked myself one good.

Also, I really like the Scott Pilgrim art style.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stop moving, Carl!

[I'm going to take care to not alert my professors to this blog.]

My history class is tortuously boring for me.  There's no student involvement in any of the lectures; the professor just sits there and TALKS the entire time.  And it doesn't even feel particularly structured.  It's as though history is his hobby and he's just telling us "Hey guys isn't this cool?  Oh, and tangent, chuckle, emphasis, by-the-way..."

As such, I had to devise a method for staying awake in said class.

It's not good, but it's certainly better than how it looks here.
My scanner hates pencil.

It's not as though you can identify this person by the back of his head, but it's a friend of mine, so I'm not a creeper.  Just throwing that out there.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Um, hello.

I'm an undergraduate who has the goal of covering her entire bulletin board with illustrations by the time the academic year ends.  It's been a month since this year started, and I hadn't made any progress.  A friend suggested I take time every day to draw something, and I figure I'd feel more motivated if someone somewhere would hold me accountable for it.  Hence, this blog.

As a warning, I'm not dedicated enough to carefully think out and revise what I write.

Also, I'm anticipating that these will largely be black and white, and mostly crappy doodles.  (Homework sucks.)

Alright, first post: Me.
I look EXACTLY like this.
All you need to know about me to appreciate this doodle:
  • I have dark brown hair.
  • I have bangs.
  • I wear glasses.
  • My favorite color is green.
  • I drew on my (white) shoes with pink ink.
  • I complain a lot.